At the heart of every farming operation is economic management of inputs. After all, at the end of the day your crops are your paycheck, right? Thrive Agronomics uses a different approach than other companies. We forgo the cookie cutter farming methods that many other companies and consultants use, resulting in customized options for your farming operation.
In many instances, farmers use products that are marketed to them from companies who are promising unrealistic results and returns. Capitalizing on problems you could be facing as well as common agricultural issues, they make massive broad stroke recommendations that can be unnecessary, costing you and your farm. Pest control and fertilizer applications are two major economic decisions that often get managed incorrectly for fear of the “what if I don’t have enough”. However, often times applications are made that do not provide a positive return on your investment or the specific problem is not discovered. This not only costs you money and time, but does not provide lasting long term economic solutions.
Thrive Agronomics provides a customized solution to all of your fertilization, pest control, crop production needs. We analyze every aspect of your operation. From planting, fertilization, and integrated pest management we dissect every critical management decision and help you to make the most informed decision.
Economic input management is all about the least cost versus the best yield. In many instances fertilizer is your number one input cost after seed. It is critical to get fertility correct on your farm every year as this can have long term positive effects if handled correctly and long term negative effects if not. However, many companies market standard options when your farm needs a customized formula. With our tools and experience, we make sure we get the right amount of product to the right area so money isn’t wasted on areas that may be at optimum. This can save you major input dollars in the long run and help to balance your soil fertility, boosting your crop production for the long term.
Insects and disease can have a major impact on overall yield. With current market prices it is more important now than ever to know pest thresholds and to critically consider the return you will likely get from a pest control application. Its important to know when pest control measures are warranted as well as scientifically supported returns on these investments when pest control measures are employed. When it is time to spray, we work with you to make sure we get the correct product on your farm, at the right timing, to ensure maximum return on your investment. Just because you have disease pressure on one farm does not necessarily mean you will have it on all your acres and we work with you to make a customized plan for your entire operation that best fits your needs and operating budget.
Are you being marketed overpriced seed that would do the same, if not better, as another seed on the market? Our economic input management helps to discover this serious financial mistake and remedy it in the process. We take a thorough analysis on your farm, keeping the seed that you want and that works best financially, and getting rid of the ones that cost you money with no benefit when it’s time to sell your produce to the masses. After all, what is the use of your hard work if you only break even when you sell your crop? Thrive Agronomics helps you grow better and make a larger profit with our seed management program.
Final Thoughts
At the end of the day, you are a farmer who works hard for your money. Why waste it on pest, seed, and fertilizer options that don’t get the job done or make economic sense for your operation? Thrive agronomics offers customized solutions that increase your ROI, support all management decisions with economics, and provide science driven solutions in order to examine the crucial aspects on the product investments that your farm truly needs. Call us today and discover how we can trim the excess in your crop production operation. Don’t work yourself to death just to break even. Thrive Agronomics can help you increase your crop productivity and your profit.